આ છે દુનિયાના સૌથી જોરદાર હેલ્ધી ફુડ, આજે જ ખાવા નું ચાલુ કરી લો આહારમાં સામેલ કરશો તો રહેશો તંદુરસ્ત

 We are telling you about the 10 healthiest foods in the world which are rich in nutrients. If you want to stay healthy, start consuming them today... If you also want to stay fit and healthy all the time, the most important thing is to change your diet along with working out. Every day we consume only limited food. So we should include in our daily diet such things that can remove diseases like cancer to heart disease and give the body a lot of nutrients.


Small brown linseeds have some miraculous benefits. Once you know it, you will consume it every day. Flax seeds are called flax seeds. It contains alpha-linolenic acid. which helps in keeping the blood thin. Due to this, the risk of heart attack and stroke is avoided. Flaxseeds also contain soluble fiber and anti-inflammatory properties. Which keeps away diseases from asthma to constipation

There are many benefits of dark chocolate

Many people think that chocolate is on the list of healthy foods? But this is true. Dark chocolate contains disease-fighting flavonoids and antioxidants. Which improves blood pressure problems. Prevents blood clot formation and also lowers LDL ie, the bad cholesterol. Eating a limited amount of dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart attack by 10 percent, according to research.

Eat garlic if you want to be healthy

You may not know how beneficial the seemingly simple garlic is in our kitchen. Packed with antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, garlic helps ward off many diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Eating just 6 cloves of garlic a week can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, stomach cancer and prostate cancer by 50 percent. Sulfur compounds in garlic remove carcinogenic elements from the body.

Salmon fish relieves depression

Eating salmon fish just 2 times a week can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 17 percent and the risk of heart attack by 27 percent. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Also, people who consume salmon fish experience less depression.

Avocado lowers cholesterol

Avocado is one of the nutrients foods that help lower cholesterol naturally. It contains monounsaturated fat which reduces the risk of heart attack by a third. Avocados contain beta-sitosterol which inhibits the absorption of dietary cholesterol.

Pulses and pulses are heart healthy

Magni dal, Aladdin dal or rajma, chana or Kabuli chana all come under the list of pulses and pulses. Which is very healthy for the heart. It contains a large amount of soluble fiber. Drying of cholesterol prevents it from being deposited on the artery wall. Apart from this, beans also contain protein and magnesium. Which controls blood pressure along with blood sugar

Blueberries keep away from diseases

Blueberries contain a special type of antioxidants. Which keeps away from heart disease, cancer, memory loss and age-related blindness. In addition, blueberries contain fiber. It also helps in constipation problems.

Broccoli protects against all types of cancer

When it comes to the healthiest foods, how can you forget broccoli? Broccoli is number one in fighting cancer. It contains a compound called Sulfurophane. which produces enzymes in the body. which removes cancer-causing compounds from the body. Apart from this, broccoli also contains vitamin C, beta-carotene and calcium, so it is very healthy for bones, eyes, and immunity.

Turmeric is spinach for the eyes

Rich in elements like iron, vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium, spinach is not only good for the eyes. But also strengthens bones. It reduces the risk of stroke and lowers blood pressure. The risk of stroke and heart attack can be reduced. Also, spinach contains folate which reduces the risk of lung cancer.

Curd improves digestion

Yogurt, also called yogurt, contains probiotics. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help the gut function properly so that the body's digestive system is healthy. Apart from this, nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B12 are also found in curd which helps in curing many diseases related to the stomach like ulcers, UTI, etc. Also, these probiotics also help in strengthening immunity. If you want, then get double health benefits by eating blueberry curry mixed with yogurt.

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